Friday, April 10, 2009

MNG "loves" college

Hey guys! Check the MNG Myspace for the new song, "I Love College". It's our take on Asher Roth's song. We've had this one finished for awhile, and we finally decided to upload it. There were problems with trying to get GarageBand to convert it with a louder volume, but it wasn't cooperating. The original plan was to release it for the spring break season, but that didn't happen. I hope everyone had a great spring break this year though. Hopefully we can get working on some new songs soon. I've been working on some songs. I'm just kinda waiting for everyone else to get on board (cough, cough). Haha.

Happy Birthday to Mng Mona!!!
Happy Birthday to Lala!!!
Happy Birthday to Genie!!!

(Lots of birthdays lately...hope I didn't forget anyone...)

1 comment:

monana said...

thanks for the bday wish, happy belated to genie, lala and to all the cousins. your right there is a lot this month